District Sponsor

As a District Sponsor, your $12,500 contribution directly enhances the educational experiences across the district, fostering impactful programs and a culture of recognition. This support shapes a generation that values education and community engagement, offering students a broader platform for success. 

  • Company logo featured in all digital communications.
  • One post-event social media recognition.
  • Testimonial video highlighting the sponsor’s educational impact.
  • Custom student thank-you visual showcasing the sponsor’s significant role.
  • Blog post detailing the sponsor’s commitment to education.
  • Special mention in an e-blast to attendees and stakeholders.

All online payments incur up to a 3.4% transaction fee; to avoid this, consider paying by check.

School Partner Sponsor

With a $6,000 contribution as a School Partner Sponsor, you directly enrich the educational journey of an entire school. This sponsorship provides essential resources, fostering a nurturing environment that promotes student success and demonstrates a tangible commitment to educational excellence.

  • Company logo featured in all digital communications.
  • One post-event social media recognition.
  • Personal thank-you photo from a classroom highlighting the sponsor’s support.
  • Company logo featured in an e-blast to attendees and stakeholders.

All online payments incur up to a 3.4% transaction fee; to avoid this, consider paying by check.

Classroom Sponsor

Choosing the Classroom Sponsor package allows your $1,000 contribution to directly impact the learning environment of a classroom. This support enhances educational access and engagement, supporting teachers and enabling students to thrive in a rich learning atmosphere

  • One social media recognition post.
  • Personal thank-you photo from a student, highlighting the sponsor’s support.
  • Sponsor addition to the EHCEC events webpage.

All online payments incur up to a 3.4% transaction fee; to avoid this, consider paying by check.

Student Sponsor

The Student Contributor Sponsor package allows for a significant impact on a student’s education with just $30, by providing essential school supplies. This direct support empowers students to excel, highlighting the importance of every student’s education and easing the path to their success.

  • Acknowledged in the e-blast recap for supporting a student with essential school supplies for 2024
  • Receipt of post-event photos as appreciation for your sponsorship.

All online payments incur up to a 3.4% transaction fee; to avoid this, consider paying by check.


Mareo Hendrickson

Director of Community Engagement & Partnerships



Can we choose which school or district our sponsorship supports?

Sponsorships are typically allocated to areas with the greatest need, but we’re open to discussing any specific preferences you might have. Donations are limited to participating school districts. 

Participating School Districts:

Channelview ISD
Crosby ISD
Sheldon ISD
Galena Park ISD
The Rhodes Charter School

Is our sponsorship tax-deductible?

Yes, contributions made towards educational initiatives are usually tax-deductible. 

We transform lives by connecting people to resources and opportunities.